
We are the voice,
of the people,
for the people,
by the people.

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A New Appeal

A Return To
Our Constitution

The Union of Appeals is rising to be the voice of the American people. We believe that the Patriots should rise, take back the American government, and revive her from the root, as ordered in the Declaration of Independence, if tyranny opposes us.

Mountain Top Lion Patriot

Keeping God's Commands

"Semper Sub Deo - Always Under God"

The official motto of the UOA is “Semper Sub Deo - Always Under God.” We adopted this as a beckoning call to stand firm in our Christian faith as a covenant nation under God Almighty. Attempts that are made against us to deny our identity as a Christian nation shall not stand.

The Battle Is The Lord's

Defending Human Life Across The World

We are seeking the restoration of the American Republic through the abolishment of abortion and a return to the values of self-governance independent of all forms of tyranny. We, the people, have formed this Union and must restore it when it is threatened from within and without.

American Moses

Founder - Ruby Felix

Ruby Felix was born and raised in Texas. She graduated from the School of Leadership and Discipleship at Ministerios Bethania, USA. While at MB USA, she served in family ministry, led a Bible study, led the youth dance team, and taught for a year at the All 4 One Youth School of Discipleship. Ruby has also participated in mission trips locally through Youth With A Vision and in Guatemala through Kingdom Connections International. She began her ministry Shine 4 All 2 See in 2020, through which she has committed herself to help others find their identity and discover their purpose. In 2021, Ruby joined Sean in building the framework and pioneering the Union of Appeals. Today, she continues to be a Motivational Speaker and a Founder of the UOA.

Ruby in Alabama
Sean Dylan K Pic

Founder - Sean Dylan

In 2003, at 15 years old, God's audible voice spoke to Sean out of heaven and called him to be a Prophet to the Nations. Twelve years later, in July 2015, while Sean assisted in pioneering a church in Little Rock, Arkansas, God’s spirit visited him with a prophetic response regarding a national Appeal to Heaven prayer movement that was launched over the future American leadership. God immediately prompted him to become cognizant of the injustices occurring in America and prompted him to assume the role of a leader over His people. God had revealed to him prophetically that He would revive, reform, and restore America, and He desired to utilize Sean as a leader for this purpose and as a prospective President to implement this reform. In 2020, God commanded Sean to study governmental spheres of authority under Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion International, where Sean pioneered the framework for the UOA. Sean speaks and writes in key states today in order to lead America into her God-ordained destiny of overcoming tyranny and establishing freedom and liberty for all.

We are building a movement to establish a path forward for our freedoms.

A new era of leaders is emerging to resist the enemies of our country, both within and without. Stand with us.


The Union of Appeals represents the American voice and the appeals of the Union. We communicate regarding the restoration of the Republic for the Kingdom of God in America. The Patriots are rising to take back the American government and revive her from the root. We identify with our national heritage as Christian Colonists who founded the American Republic through “An Appeal to Heaven.” We firmly believe that the appeal our forefathers made to God alone, then to one another through the Declaration of Independence, is not void. Furthermore, we believe it is our right and our duty to throw off a government with long lists of usurpations that are evident in the modern-day corrupt administrations. We are seeking the restoration of the American Republic firstly through the abolishment of abortion, and a return to the values of self-governance, independent of all forms of tyranny. We the people have formed this Union and must restore her when she is threatened from within and without. The official UOA motto, Semper Sub Deo - Always Under God,”  has been adopted because we are called to stand firm in our Christian faith as a covenant nation under God Almighty. We are the Union of Appeals.  
Timeline of Organization:
Founded in Texas 2020
Based in Alabama 2023

Official Flag of the UOA

Our flag design reveals a vivid color palette using the American flag's blue and absolute gold. John 14:15 is set inside an arching plate of victory, reminding us to keep the words of our Lord, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Our crest has 72 gold points representing the 72 years of Israel's Independence from the date of Israel's founding to the date of the founding of the UOA on July 4, 2020, which is revealed as MMXX within the flag. Force is seen above MMXX, indicating the move of God establishing his apostolic Kingdom government forcefully in the year 2020. The covenant words, Union of Appeals, directly tie us to the George Washington Cruisers' flag as we have come forth from the Godly appeals of this nation. In the upper left corner of the flag, a seventh fish is breaking forth from a union of its members, representing the emerging Ekklesia in this new era. The fish is appealing towards the NE direction of the crest, representing the appeals of the early 13 colonies founded in NE America. The white, elaborate pattern is indicative of the work of the Holy Spirit expanding throughout the four corners of the earth. The twelve gold points extending from the NESW directions represent the 12 apostles sent to declare the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gold outline around the field of the flag represents God sealing his saints of this nation in His refining work of salvation.

A Call to Abolish Abortion

We are a non-violent defensive alliance of American citizens willing to die for their rights of liberty unto life. We are a Pro-Life group that shall abolish abortion in America. Partner with us and stop this American fetal genocide! The Union of Appeals vows to sign the “Prohibition of Abortion” from day one in office. We shall amend the 14th Amendment to add a right to life after conception because life is a precious and a holy right under God. We believe this would offer equal liberty unto life for all mankind born in the United States of America.

Creed of the UOA

We Know The Truth, For Our God Gave US His Sacred Words, “Wake Up, For You Have Found Favor With The LORD.”

We Know Our Offices And Courts In The Land Have Become Compromised, Yet, OUR Loyalty To God Remains. Though Men Are Corrupt, God Is Not. Though Men Are Tyrannical, God Is NOT!

We Are ONE PEOPLE Under ONE GOD, And Before Him Alone, We Stand To Resist Evil. We Also Stand As ONE BRANCH In Christ Jesus, And As His People, We Bear Much Fruit.

We Are The People Of Heaven And Earth. We Are AMERICANS, And We Are UNITED As ONE FAMILY Through The Holy Spirit. That Is OUR CALL.

We Are The Union Of Appeals And We Accept His Call.