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Let us revive this nation from its roots and reform it in covenant with God. Our future is already set, and the destiny of our nation has been determined by the Word. Our appeals are made to God, and now it's time to address our people; let us stand for freedom and liberty under God.

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Patriots Only

We Shall Not Implement Socialism

Our Courts Shall Judge Constitutionally

Justice Shall Be Served

Abortion Shall Be Abolished

Parents Shall Control Education

Righteous Citizens Shall Govern

America Shall Be Saved

We Shall Not Replace Man With A.I.

The People Shall Be Under God

We Shall Protect Our Borders

We Shall Reject Bio Currencies

Federal Sexual Revolution Shall End

Tyranny Shall Die

Revive. Reform. Restore.



We believe a tidal wave of God's glory will sweep through the U.S.



We believe the Ekklesia must govern with "liberty for all."



We believe America must return to the covenant of God.

Our mandate to work on these three key areas in America arose from a 2015 Appeal to Heaven prayer movement. As a result, God awakened us to establish the UOA in 2020. He has declared that this decade will be marked by His heavenly intervention in these three areas to prepare the nation for His purposes on earth. Let us know what you think about reforming America by taking a short, 5-question survey. (COMING SOON)

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Written in truth and inspired by God, we publish patriotic articles that provide direction for the destiny of America.

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Our products are made to be worn for God and country. Be bold and stand with the UOA.

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Union of Appeals

8 subscribers

The UOA represents the American voice
and the appeals of the Union.

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We release sounds of W.A.R. “Wisdom And Revelation,” with arrows of prophecy over nations. We issue decrees of revival and reformation regarding the destiny of America.

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We are the Union of Appeals and we speak for the American way.

Our voices cannot be silenced, and our actions cannot be cancelled. Our goal is to make a sound of revival and create a new form of governmental leadership in the USA. Enough is enough, we are coming forth like a tidal wave, roaring like a lion. #unionofappeals

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